Ride4Ceylon X-Ray Mission | Sunday Observer

Ride4Ceylon X-Ray Mission

12 February, 2023

The eagerly anticipated R4C2023 gets under way on March 1-4, with a R4C record breaking 85 participants.

Cyclists from around the world will arrive in Sri Lanka to ride approximately 475km, from Arugam Bay to Jaffna, in aid of the Green Memorial Hospital, Jaffna. Through sponsorships and donations, each rider raises funds to assist with the renovation project at the hospital.

R4C is the fundraising branch of the UK based charity Friends of Manipay Hospital. Alarmed to see the once thriving GMH in a state of disrepair, brothers Prof Jayantha Arnold and Anandan Arnold put the wheels in motion to renovate and reaffirm the hospital’s core value.

Now in its seventh year, the ride will also comprise an eleven-man team from City Tatts Club in Sydney. This strong cycling group are headed by City Tatt’s Director and R4C Ride Captain Kumar Kalyanakumar, and CT’s CEO Marcelo Veloz.

The support from Australia continues, with Sydney Football Club also partnering R4C. Their encouraging CEO, Adam Santo, highlighted that the club is fully supportive of all endeavours to improve the conditions of people in the community.

The club will be donating football kits to disadvantaged children along the route.

R4C are on a mission to raise funds to purchase a digital X-ray machine for GMH, the cost for which is Rs. 30 million. Spokesman, Sriomal de Silva, said that R4C are on target to achieve their aim. Any additional funds collected, will be used to repair the current X-ray machine and donated to another needy hospital around the island.

Driven by people from all walks of life, the past 6 rides has raised funds for the refurbishment of the nurses quarters, creation of a physio unit, establishment of the Gabriella Rasiah Paediatric Ward and the purchase of a new ambulance.

Future projects include setting up the Hope Beyond Cancer Unit together with an Elders Home, and providing GMH with a state of the art operating theatre.

Chief Ride Organiser, Nishantha Abeyawardena, added the passion which is fuelling this mammoth operation is truly inspirational. However, the task remains a huge challenge. To date, all efforts have been provided by caring volunteers, seeking to develop an outstanding healthcare system for the betterment of the community.

R4C is endorsed by Brand Ambassadors – Dr. Pia de Girolamo, Jen Orr and former England Rugby 7’s player Dan Norton.

For further information : www.ride4ceylon.com
