Poet, writer, lyricists Tharindu Weerasinghe who is a computer engineer by profession launched two new books: The third eye – A photo-inspired anthology and Some tips for Young professionals recently.
The books were published by an online publisher called lulu.com and are available for purchasing in many online platforms like Amazon and Barnes and Nobel.
The book Third Eye comprises poems written on beautiful photographs over the past nine years.
Some of the poems were included in the column he did for the Daily News in 2013. The second book comprises papers articles he penned for young professionals.
Tharindu has also written and produced new songs with veteran artistes in the likes of Nanda Malini, Amarasiri Peiris, Deepika Priyadarshini during the post pandemic period. Tharindu currently works and lives in Perth, Australia. His latest aesthetic and literary work can be browsed through www.tharinduweerasinghe.com.