New Book and TV series launched | Sunday Observer

New Book and TV series launched

25 December, 2022

A collection of articles by Prof. Samitha Hettige on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its lessons for Conflict Prevention and sustainable development will be published on January 1, 2023 to coincide with its 10th anniversary. BRI is the 21st century Silk Road with a partner network of 140 plus nations annually transacting with each other amounting to approx.

10 trillion US$ and China has directed approx. 150 billion US$ FDIs into development projects globally as part BRI. Belts are considered land roads and roads are considered sea routes which were active along the ancient maritime and land silk road.

For the first time SL landmass expanded with the BRI (Port City and Hambantota.

BRI was a life line even for EU countries to fight the Covid-19 and has so far raised approx 700 million persons above the poverty line in all partner countries.

World’s longest railroads stretch along the belts of BRI from China to Europe. The book is titled “Every Step makes a Footprint” (Chinese proverb on lifelong learning). As a concept of Prof. Hettige, TV series “Seda Mage Kathawa “(The Silk Road Story) was launched on Haritha TV to mark the event. Mahesh Bandara provided executive direction while Dimuth Rajanayake directs it with guidance from Ven Dr. Kirinde Assaji of Hunupitiya, Gangaramaya
