The Nativity | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

The Nativity

25 December, 2022

The Nativity or the birth of Jesus Christ changed the world and hence the reason behind the Christian holiday of Christians (December 25) which is undeniably one of the most wonderful times of the year.

The Nativity of Jesus is the story which tells us of the miraculous Conception and birth of Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years ago, an angel named Gabriel visited a young girl from the town of Nazareth named Mary. The angel told her that she would soon have a son named Jesus, who would be the Son of God. At the time, Mary was to marry a man named Joseph.

When told about what the angel Gabriel had said to Mary, Joseph did not believe her until angel Gabriel visited Joseph and comforted him.

The angel proceeded to tell Joseph that the Baby in the womb of Mary was from the Holy Spirit and her Son, Jesus will be the Saviour who will save people from all their sins.

Mary and Joseph like everyone else travelled to Bethlehem due to a census order from the Roman Emperor. When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, Mary who was pregnant with Jesus travelled on a donkey for multiple days. They were told they had no place to lodge as all the inns were full.

A kind man who worked at one of the inns offered them lodging in his stable. Mary and Joseph settled on some hay with the sleeping animals and baby Jesus was born in the stable also known as a manger which was the only place to lay the sleeping Son of God.

Meanwhile, an angel appeared and told the Good News of the birth of the Saviour Jesus Christ, to the shepherds who were watching their flocks near Bethlehem.

The shepherds immediately went searching for the Baby who the angel told them can be found sleeping in a manger. After a while three Wise Men from a distant eastern country saw the bright Star in the sky over the place where Jesus was born and travelled to find the new born King. They arrived in Bethlehem and found Jesus where the star pointed. The three men knelt and worshipped the Saviour and gave Him each a gift of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Today, the Christmas Nativity is probably one of the most recognisable symbols and traditions of the season as it is almost impossible to go through the Christmas season without seeing a Nativity scene of the Infant in a crib in Church, in a Christmas movie, a Nativity play or simply just placed in a model form in someone’s home.

The most important thing about the Nativity is undeniably its message to the world. God sent His own Son to earth as a man, so that He could become a sacrifice and take away the sins of the world.

The child who was born to Mary and laid in a manger would one day grow up to die on a cross and rise again so that every person who believes in Him would receive forgiveness for all their sins. Through the Nativity, baby Jesus created a new harmony in the relationship between God and man.


Tenuli Kulatunga

Grade 10

Lyceum International School


