CAA comes down hard on errant traders | Page 2 | Sunday Observer
In view of forthcoming festive season

CAA comes down hard on errant traders

18 December, 2022

The Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) has intensified its raids to nab traders who sell food items, biscuits and other essential commodities at higher prices in view of the forthcoming festive season. Around 3,409 investigators of the CAA have been deployed for the purpose. Over 2,905 raids were conducted and 389 errant traders were charged in court during the year for exploiting consumers, CAA Chairman Shantha Niriella told the Sunday Observer. He said some traders hoarded essential food items on a large scale to create an artificial shortage of food items to earn undue profits during Christmas and New Yea. Some traders sell outdated food items by changing the expiry dates to mislead consumers.

The Health Ministry will deploy 2,800 PHIs to make sudden visits to hotels, eateries and restaurants to ensure that consumers are provided healthy food. About 498 persons were hospitalised last year due to food poisoning, he said. Niriella said the CAA had conducted about 8,768 raids last year and 4,531 were charged with violating the Food Act. The CAA and the police will continue operations to nab errant traders.

Nearly 8,923 police officers will be deployed countrywide to nab those who drive under the influence of liquor and harmful drugs as they had caused a number of fatal accidents during past festive seasons, he added.
