At St. Sebastian’s College Moratuwa
St. Sebastian’s College, Moratuwa will hold its Christmas Carols for the 19th time at the main hall of the College on December 11 at 6.30 p.m. under the patronage of Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith.
The theme this time is ‘We The Kingdom’. It consists of classical compositions, traditional hymns (Sinhala, English and Latin). Shihan Wamba and Sanjeeva E. Silva are the trainers of the carol team.
At St. Joseph’s College Colombo
The Josephian Christmas Carols 2022, titled ‘Jesu Redempt or Omnium’ will be held today at 6.30 pm at the College auditorium. Papal Nuncio to Sri Lanka, Archbishop Brian Udaigwe will be the chief guest.
The presentation will include Carols, Anthems, chants, and choruses by modern and classical composers in Sinhala, Tamil, English, Latin, French, Deutsche, Italian, and the Nigerian languages. The 75-strong senior choir of the College, the 40-member primary school choir and the Old Boys Choir will render selected compositions.