My heroine | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

My heroine

23 October, 2022

As we know, there are many heroes in this world. Some are created by cartoons and films. Some are in the real world. I have a heroine and I am sure that there is no one like my heroine, because she is my mother. I thank god for selecting me as her one and only child.

Though she became a widow, actually I have never seen my father because he lost his life in the last battle against terrorism, before my birth. Even though my father had died, I can see him through my mother. She still looks after me by giving her love and affection.

She is very brave and I feel that any challenge cannot defeat her. She is always there to protect me from every bad thing.

After the Buddha, I worship my mother. No matter what, she is the only heroine, I have ever met in this real world. Thank you mother for every sacrifice you have made for me and forgiving my mistakes.

Dinuki Prarthana Harischandra
Grade 8-A
A/Mihintale Maha Vidyalaya
