Kulatunga and Selvaratnam win Eagles’ Monsoon Cup | Sunday Observer

Kulatunga and Selvaratnam win Eagles’ Monsoon Cup

9 October, 2022

The inaugural Eagles’ Monsoon Cup 2022 organised by the Sri Lanka Air Force and sponsored by Huawei Technologies concluded at the Eagles’ Golf Links in China Bay.

Deannath Kulatunge won the men’s title while the women’s title was won by Suwaneetha Selvaratnam ahead of Olga Ashley Herath and Roshini Indira Sangani respectively. The Award ceremony was held at the Marble Beach later in the evening on the same day in a festival atmosphere in the presence of Air Force Commander Air Marshal Sudharshana Pathirana and Mrs. Chamini Pathirana.

The Championship got underway with the Air Force Commander teeing off the first shot followed by the Pakistan High Commissioner for Sri Lanka retired Major General Umar Farooq Burki who also took part as a competitor in the Championship.

The Championship saw over 80 men and ten women from various parts of the country representing major golfing clubs.

In the women’s category the highlight was the participation of Margot Sellayah at the age of 70 years who went on to win the coveted Award for the Nearest to the Pin.

The Course which covers a distance of a little over six kilo metres was a challenging one. Even the few foreign competitors were of the view that this is one of the best courses in the region for all golfers to come up with their best to showcase talents on a challenging one of this nature.

Results Monsoon Cup 2022:

Results Men: Winner: Deannath Kulatunge

Runner up: Olga Ashely Herath

Longest Drive: Dihan Dedigama

Nearest to the Pin: Commodore K.M.M.P. Karunathilake

Eagles’ Monsoon Defence Challenge Trophy Tri-Services: winner Wing Commander Lakmal Gunawardena

Eagles’ Monsoon Defence Challenge Trophy runner up: Captain P.M. Mummullage (SL Navy)

Player with the best total net: Wing Commander Lakmal Gunawardena in the six hidden holes competition segment

Wooden Spoon Award: Air Vice Marshal Rohan Pathirage


Winner: Suwaneetha Selvaratnam

Runner up: Roshini Indira Sangani

Longest Drive: Dinali De Zoysa

Nearest to the Pin: Margot Sellayah
