Quiz on synonyms and antonyms | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Quiz on synonyms and antonyms

9 October, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the ANTONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Shameless (adj.):
ashamed / brazen
2. Shapeless (adj.):
formless / shapely
3. Sharp (adj.):
blunt / cutting
4. Sharpen (v.):
hone / blunt
5. Sheen (n.):
dullness / brightness
6. Sheepish (adj.):
abashed / bold
7. Sheer (adj.):
gentle / abrupt
8. Shelter (v.):
cover / expose
9. Sheltered (adj.):
exposed / secluded
10. Shelve (v.):
freeze / implement
11. Shield (v.):
expose / cover
12. Shifty (adj.):
honest / crafty
13. Shiny (ad.):
bright / dull
14. Shock (v.):
delight / agitate
15. Shocking (ad.):
delightful / abominable
16. Shoddy (adj.):
inferior / fine
17. Short (ad.):
long / petite
18. Shortage (n.):
scarcity / abundance
19. Shorten (v.):
enlarge / abbreviate
20. Short-sighted (adj.):
hasty / far-sighted
21. Show (v.):
cover / clarify
22. Showy (adj.):
flamboyant / quiet
23. Shrewd (adj.):
naïve / artful
24. Shrill (adj.):
acute / soft
25. Shrink (v.):
expand / contract
26. Shroud (v.:):
cloak / expose
27. Shun (v.):
embrace / avoid
28. Shut (v.):
close / open
29. Shy (adj.):
bold / bashful
30. Sick (adj.):
ill / healthy

1. ashamed
2. shapely
3. blunt
4. blunt
5. dullness
6. bold
7. gentle
8. expose
9. exposed
10. implement
11. expose
12. honest
13. dull
14. delight
15. delightful
16. fine
17. long
18. abundance
19. enlarge
20. far-sighted
21. cover
22. quiet
23. naïve
24. soft
25. expand
26. expose
27. embrace
28. open
29. bold
30. healthy

10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 25 Correct: Excellent
26 – 30 Correct: Exceptional

