Quiz on | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Quiz on

25 September, 2022

A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the SYNONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.

1. Sensitive (adj.): temperamental / insensitive

2. Sensual (adj.): ascetic / carnal

3. Sensuous (adj.): gratifying / ascetic

4. Sentiment (n.): hard-heartedness / emotion

5. Sentimental (adj.): nostalgic / practical

6. Separable (adj.): inseparable / distinct

7. Separate (v.): detach / join

8. Separated (adj.): attached / disunited

9. Separation (n.): break / unification

10. Serene (adj.): troubled / calm

11. Serenity (n.): calm / anxiety

12. Serious (adj.): slight / acute

13. Seriously (adv.): acutely / casually

14. Serrated (ad.): smooth / notched

15. Servant (n.): boy / master

16. Serviceable (adj.): unserviceable / durable

17. Servile (adj.): base / bold

18. Setback (n.): help / defeat

19. Settler (n.): coloniser / native

20. Sever (v.): attach / cut

21. Severe (adj.): acute / kind

22. Shabby (adj.): smart / dirty

23. Shady (adj.): dark / bright

24. Shaggy (adj.): bald / hairy

25. Shaky (adj.): insecure / firm

26. Shallow (adj.): deep / empty

27. Sham (adj.): false / real

28. Shame (n.): disgrace /credit

29. Shamefaced (adj.): proud / abashed

30. Shameful (adj.): abominable / worthy



1. temperamental

2. carnal

3. gratifying

4. emotion

5. nostalgic

6. distinct

7. detach

8. disunited

9. break

10. calm

11. calm

12. acute

13. acutely

14. notched

15. boy

16. durable

17. base

18. defeat

19. coloniser

20. cut

21. acute

22. dirty

23. dark

24. hairy

25. insecure

26. empty

27. false

28. disgrace

29. abashed

30. abominable


10 – 19 Correct: Good

20 – 26 Correct: Excellent

27 – 30 Correct: Exceptional
