Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Nutrient
A. food
B. vigour
C. root
D. fruit
2. Pollinate
A. cut
B. blend
C. count
D. fertilize
3. Aerial
A. long and slender
B. short-lived
C. of or in the air
D. rapidly growing
4. Genus
A. origin
B. main subdivision
C. specific animal
D. classic
5. Porous
A. permeable
B. widespread
C. heavy
D. light
6. Burgeon
A. force
B. sprout
C. hammer
D. cover
7. Phototropism
A. plant photography
B. tropical environment
C. a movement towards light
D. use of artificial light
8. Fumigate
To disinfect by
A. powder
B. liquid
C. fumes
D. radiation
9. Biennial
A. every two years
B. yearly
C. only once
D. twice a year
10. Chlorophyll
A. compost
B. root hairs
C. a spray
D. green pigment
11. Blight
A. pale streak
B. hairline crack
C. destructive agent
D. pigment
12. Tendril
A. thick stalk
B. slender stem
C. plant
D. leaf
13. Propagate
A. select
B. to reproduce
C. straighten
D. speed
14. Succulent
A. large root
B. fruit
C. bare vine
D. fleshy plant
15. Infest
A. decay
B. shock
C. overrun
D. nurture
16. Trellis
A. hanging pot
B. leafy growth
C. lattice
D. window box
17. Terrarium
A. enclosed miniature garden
B. moist earth
C. greenhouse
D. sun room
18. Appendage
A. excised
B. transplanted
C. attached
D. uprooted
19. Humus
A. moisture
B. acidity
C. sand
D. soil
20. Organic
Related to
A. living organism
B. growth
C. blossoming
D. germination
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. A
10 – 14 Correct: Good
15 – 17 Correct: Excellent
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional