Cookery Corner | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Cookery Corner

4 September, 2022


*Gelatin – 2 tbsp
*Sugar – 250g
*Strawberry essence or any other flavouring
*Food colouring

*Mix the gelatin with lukewarm water and keep aside
*Put the sugar in a pot and boil till it becomes a soft ball
*Put the gelatin and lower the flame. Add the essence and food colouring and mix well. Cool the mixture.
*Line a box with foil and put the jujube mixture in it.
*Freeze it for 2 hours.
*Then cut the frozen mixture into pieces and roll in sugar
*Keep the jujubes in an airtight container.


Sausage Buns


*Flour 250g
*Salt 1 tsp
*Yeast 1 ½ tsp
*Milk 100ml
*Sugar 1 tsp
*Eggs 1
*Butter 25g

Mix yeast, milk, sugar and keep for 5 minutes
Mix flour, salt, yeast, eggs, butter and knead it till it becomes dough
Knead the dough well and keep for 30 minutes to rise.
Then divide the dough into 7 parts and shape it as you like and place sausages
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 200% and bake for 13 minutes.


Mint Sauce

*1 table-spoonful chopped mint
*½ pint vinegar
*Pepper and salt to taste
*Sugar to taste

Wash the mint well, strip the leaves from the stalks, and mince them finely. Put into a sauce boat or tureen, add the vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt to taste and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Make about an hour before it is needed.

Mayonnaise sauce

*1 tea-spoonful each mustard (powder)
*Fine salt
*Icing sugar
*The yolks of fresh eggs

*2 scant tablespoonful each of malt vinegar and
*Strained lime juice
*A good pinch of powdered red chillies sieved to remove the coarse grains
*¾ pint olive oil
*Crushed ice.

Stand a bowl in a larger bowl of crushed ice, mix the mustard and sugar in the bowl, and stir in the yolks of eggs and half of the vinegar. Mix well with a wooden spoon until quite smooth, then add the olive oil – which should be ice-cold-drop by drop, stirring all the time.

When about a tablespoonfuls of the oil have been added the mixture should be thickening nicely and at this stage a rotary egg-beater should be used, and the oil may be added a teaspoonful at a time until half of it has been used up. Whisking must be continuous. Add the lime juice and vinegar alternately with the oil, a teaspoonful at a time, until both have been used up, then continue with the oil until it is finished. Shake off surplus sauce from the beater, and stir in the salt and chilli, using a clean wooden spoon for this final mixing, and stirring with a gentle moment.

Turn into a clean dry jar, cover with waxed paper, and then close down securely with the lid. Packed thus, this mayonnaise will keep for ten days in the refrigerator, requiring only to be stirred gently before use.

Source for recipes Daily News Cookery Book

