A synonym is a word that means something similar to another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Underline the ANTONYMS and check your answers with the key. You may use a standard dictionary.
1. Scorn (n.): admiration / contempt
2. Scornful (adj.): arrogant / admiring
3. Scot-free (adj.): punished /unharmed
4. Scourge (n.): affliction / boon
5. Scowl (v.): smile / frown
6. Scraggy (adj.): bony / plump
7. Scrap (v.): restore / axe
8. Scrappy (adj.): fragmentary / complete
9. Scrawny (adj.): fat / bony
10. Scream (n.): howl / whisper
11. Screwy (adj.): sane / crazy
12. Scrimmage (n.): brawl / calmness
13. Scrimp (v.): waste / curtail
14. Scruffy (adj.): tidy / mangy
15. Scrupulous (adj.): nice / careless
16. Scupper (v.): promote / defeat
17. Scurrilous (adj.): coarse / polite
18. Scurry (v.): stroll / dash
19. Scuttle (v.): bustle / stroll
20. Sea (n.): land / ocean
21. Seafaring (adj.): marine / land
22. Seal (v.): unseal / close
23. Seal off (ph.v.): block up / open up
24. Seamy (adj.): respectable / corrupt
25. Searching (adj.): keen / vague
26. Seasonable (adj.): unseasonable / fit
27. Seasoned (adj.): experienced / novice
28. Secede (v.): join / leave
29. Secluded (adj.): public / lonely
30. Secondary (adj.): extra / main
1. admiration
2. admiring
3. punished
4. boon
5. smile
6. plump
7. restore
8. complete
9. fat
10. whisper
11. sane
12. calmness
13. waste
14. tidy
15. careless
16. promote
17. polite
18. stroll
19. stroll
20. land
21. land
22. unseal
23. open up
24. respectable
25. vague
26. unseasonable
27. novice
28. join
29. public
30. main
10 – 15 Correct: Good
16 – 25 Correct: Excellent
26 – 30 Correct: Exceptional