It was a holiday. My family and I went to Colombo to visit the National Museum of Sri Lanka.
When we entered, I saw a massive building on a large land. That building reminded me of a castle. At the ticketing counter a gentleman told us that most of the sections in the museum were closed and we can visit some of the sections only. I felt really sad.
There was a very big Buddha statue in the entrance lobby. First, we went in to the section which displayed cave dwellers in Sri Lanka.
There we saw old graves and models of cave dwellers. After that, we climbed up a big staircase to go to the first floor. There we saw ancient weapons such as guns, bows and arrows and swords. After that, we found the jewellery section. The thing I liked the most in that section was a pair of golden earrings with fine details.
After visiting all the open sections in the main building, we went to another building.
It was the Natural Science Museum. There we saw many stuffed birds and animals.
We saw different kinds of bird’s eggs and bones of animals too. What I really liked was the ginormous skeleton of a whale.
By that time we were exhausted, so we went to the small canteen and had some snacks and tea and then we felt better.
At the canteen a lady told us that they have opened another section too.
We went to that section and we saw many ancient coins and other ancient things. After visiting that too we went home.
Himandee Uthsara Mathugamage
Class- 5G
Musaeus College