Tharindu receives multiple professional recognitions | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Tharindu receives multiple professional recognitions

26 June, 2022

Sri Lankan born and bred and Perth temporary resident Tharindu Weerasinghe received multiple professional recognitions – A good example of professional Sri Lankan expatriates.

Tharindu, a computer engineer and IT manager, a product of Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala and Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya received the following professional recognitions from some of the most prestigious intuitions for Engineering.

Chartered in Project Management from Engineers Australia (Received a Gold Pin for his achievement) in 2021

International Professional Engineer Status from the IESL (Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka) in 2022

Senior Membership from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) in 2021 August.

Full membership of the IET (Institute of the Engineering Technologists) in 2022

Certified Professional Membership from the Australian Computer Society in 2021

He volunteers as a mentor for Engineers Australia Young Member’s Section (Western Australia Section) as well as for Australian Computer Society. Lately, he was interviewed by the “Create” Magazine which is the monthly magazine by the Engineers Australia, for his professional achievements in Australia and Sri Lanka.

Tharindu was the Head of Operations, Seebo Networks Lanka (Pvt) Ltd an Australian startup.

