Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Nimal G. Punchihewa said there is no wholesome atmosphere within the country for conducting a General Election at this moment. Almost all people in the country have faced severe hardships due to the present acute shortage of fuel and gas that are essentially needed for their day today life. People are not worried over the elections but they want to survive or keep alive by hook or by crook.
All people are now found to be emotional and aggressive in uncontrollable manners by now as a result. By attempting to hold General Elections at this critical hour in the country, an unpredictable and destructive era of terror would be created in the country, NEC Chairman told the Sunday Observer.
He said certain opportunistic politicians demand the Government to hold a General Election immediately at this time because they strongly believe that they can gain undue political advantages by capitalizing the current economic crisis. It is like “Fishing in the troubled waters.”
“I suppose it is opportune by now to consider the possibility in amending the Election Act in curtailing the election expenses at Elections rather than expediting steps to present the 21 st Amendment to the Constitution,” Punchihewa said.