The Court of Appeal has decided to issue an interim order suspending the Purported Gazette Notification issued on April 1, 2022 by former Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa that prevented Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) from functioning that also led to the sudden stoppage of the Nippon Paint inter-club league matches.
The Court order was the result of SLR with its elected president Rizly Illyas filing a writ application challenging their suspension that brought the controlling body of the sport under a so-called Competent Authority. The Court issued the interim order while declaring that the said Gazette Notification was issued without any legal basis.
Rajapaksa declared that he suspended SLR after they accommodated their stakeholder the Western Province Rugby Football Association (WPRFA) that had not paid their annual subscription.
The Court also stated that the WPRFU can appeal to any sitting Sports Minister to restore their voting rights.
“It should be emphasized that this was a victory for sport and rugby as a whole, as this will stop political interference in sports federations moving forward.
“SLR does not hold any grudges personally. We are there to work for the betterment of the sport we all love. But unfortunately due to undue influence by certain individuals with vested interest who had misled the Minister who in turn created this uncalled for decision,” said Illyas the president of SLR.