News in Pix | Sunday Observer

News in Pix

17 April, 2022

Arunalu Fair and Exhibition

In view of the Sinhala-Tamil New Year-2022 a “Samurdhi Abimana Traditional Arunalu Fair and Exhibition” was held at the Kokkaddichcholai Market premises recently. The fair was organised by the Samurdhi Development Department and Manmunai South West Divisional Secretariat. The Manmunai South West Divisional Secretary Thadsanagowri Dinesh and District Samurdhi Director S. Puvanenthiran opened the fair.

Pic: Sivam Packiyanathan, Batticaloa Spl. Cor.

Chariot festival and flag hoisting

The traditional Hindu – New Year chariot festival and the annual flag hoisting ceremony of Historic Anaipanthy Sri Sithi Vigneswerer Temple, Batticaloa took place recently. The ritual was performed by the chief priest Sivasiri Kumaraprapakara Kurukkal and his assistants. Pic: Sivam Packiyanathan, Batticaloa Spl. Cor.
English unit at Royal Vidyalaya, Kalmunai

An English unit to improve the standard of English of the students of Royal Vidyalaya at Kalmunai Royal Vidyalaya was opened recently. Kalmunai Royal Vidyalaya Principal, M.H.M. Ansar presided. Kalmunai Zonal Education Director S. Puvenenthiran was the Chief Guest.
Pic: I.L.M. Rizan, Addalaichenai Central Cor.


Eastern Province Rugby Union

Setting up of the Eastern Province Rugby Union and selection of office-bearers for the year 2022/2024 were held at the Kalmunai Zahira College Auditorium recently.
Text and Pic: I.L.M. Rizan, Addalaichenai Central Cor.

Ambulances for hospitals

The Ministry of Health provided ambulances to the Pottuvil and Thirukkovil Base Hospitals recently at the Office of the Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) in Kalmunai. Here Kalmunai Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) Dr. I.L.M. Rifas hands over the Ambulances to Medical Superintendents (MS) of the hospitals, Dr. T.R.S.T.R. Rajab and Dr. A.B. Mashooth. Pic: I.L.M. Rizan, Addalaichenai Central Cor.
