Prof Peiris in talks with UNHRC members | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Prof Peiris in talks with UNHRC members

6 March, 2022

Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. G.L. Peiris accompanied by Minister of Justice Ali Sabry and Additional Solicitor General Nerin Pulle and Secretary, Foreign Ministry Admiral Jayanath Colombage had extensive meetings with countries represented in the United Nations Human Rights Council and outlined the measures adopted to improve the human rights situation in Sri Lanka.

Prof. Peiris told the Sunday Observer that on the sidelines of the 49th UNHRC session in Geneva, he along with his delegation held talks with the Permanent Representatives of the USA, United Kingdom, Iran and the Deputy Head of the Judiciary in Iran.

Earlier he and his entourage met President of the Human Rights Council and Permanent Representative of Argentina, Federiga Villegas at the Plais des Nations where an extensive discussion took place on the Sri Lankan stance with regard to the 49th UNHRC session now in progress in Geneva, Prof. Peiris said.
