A momentous moment | Sunday Observer
First inauguration ceremony of Moratuwa University Faculty of Medicine

A momentous moment

27 February, 2022
Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof.Ranil Fernando presenting a token  of appreciation  to Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka De Silva
Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof.Ranil Fernando presenting a token of appreciation to Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka De Silva

The first-ever inauguration ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Moratuwa was held recently at the Civil Engineering Auditorium of the university.

Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka de Silva who was the Chief Guest delivered the inaugural lecture.

Moratuwa University Vice-Chancellor Prof. N.D Gunawardena, Dean, Faculty of Medicine Prof Ranil Fernando, Deans of the other faculties as well as the academic and non-academic staff participated in the event.

The first and second batches of students, along with their parents, also took part in the event which was held following the Government’s safety regulations.

The University of Moratuwa welcomed its first intake of medical students in early 2021, establishing its very own medical faculty; however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and safety restrictions, the inauguration ceremony was postponed at the time. The first and second intakes comprise of 104 and 90 students, respectively.

Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka De Silva delivering the inaugural lecture.

The University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Medicine, Dean Senior Professor Ranil Fernando delivered the welcome speech.

“It is a momentous day. Not only are we having an inauguration ceremony, but we are actually inaugurating a faculty in the university of Moratuwa.

At this point, I must acknowledge the unstinting support we, as a faculty have received from everyone in the University of Moratuwa. It has been a pleasure working with the University of Moratuwa. What touched me most was the openness and the receptive mindset demonstrated by everyone in this university ,” Prof. Fernando said.

“A medical faculty in an institution of technology seems slightly incongruous. But if you think a little bit more you will realise that it is something done with a lot of foresight and thought because, without a doubt medicine, the teaching of medicine, and all aspects of medicine is inextricably linked to technology. Technology is the future of medicine. So developing a medical faculty in an institute renowned for technology is a very appropriate step,” he added.

Prof. Fernando also mentioned that the main faculty will be built in Kalutara about one kilometer away from the General Hospital. Kalutara. The Kuwait Fund has already agreed to provide a concessionary loan to Sri Lanka for its construction.

Moratuwa University Vice-Chancellor Prof. N.D.Gunawardena in his address brought five key points to the attention of the new two batches.

“A) As you step into your university, have your purpose in mind. Do everything in the university to achieve that purpose.

B) Select the right priorities. That is to know exactly what will take you there to achieve your purpose. So do only what matters and forget the rest. There may be some of you who are good at many things but remember the more things that you do in your university life the less successful you become at any of them.

C) Have the right environment. The right surroundings that will enable you to do the right things without distractions.

D) Select the right friends. Surround yourself with only those who will lift you higher, not put you down. You can’t please everyone, if you try to do that, the one person who will be unhappy is you.

E) Have the right attitude and behavior”.

Chief Guest, Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka de Silva in his inaugural lecture said the importance of making full use of this opportunity.

“You have worked very hard to earn a place to study medicine. So don’t waste this opportunity. Work equally hard to achieve academic excellence during your time here. I hope you, like me many years ago, will find these five years very fulfilling. So work hard as your Vice-Chancellor said and when you have time have fun as well because this is the best part of your life, the 20’s,” he said.

“Dear student, your reward at the end of all this will be great. To become a doctor, to be able to comfort and cure the sick, to be trusted, admired, and held in high esteem by society. Despite all what is said in the newspapers and the social media and all the criticisms that doctors undergo in society, we are still among the most respected professionals anywhere in the world and a very good example is the dedication and compassion shown by doctors during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Sometimes at personal risk and cost, several doctors died from contracting Covid -19 from the patients they treated. And this type of compassion and dedication has resulted in a wave of public trust and support for the medical profession which we must never lose again”, the eminent professor added.
