Prefects’ investiture ceremony | Sunday Observer

Prefects’ investiture ceremony

20 February, 2022

The inaugural Annual Prefects Investiture Ceremony of the WP/KL/Naleem Hajiar Ladies College China Fort Beruwala was held at the Bakeer Markar Memorial Hall recently under the patronage of the school’s principal, Faheema Fais. State Minister of Women and Children‘s Development Pre-School and Prime Education and School Infrastructure and Education Service, Piyal Nishantha de Silva was the Chief Guest. MP, Marjan Faleel, Beruwala Urban Council, Chairman Mazahim Mohamed and former member of the Western Provincial Council M.M.M. Amjad were the Guests of Honour. Beruwala UC Vice Chairman Munawwar Rafaideen, China Fort Mosque Society, Joint Secretary, Al-Haj M.M.M Shihab, Joint Treasurer, M. Safwan Nayeem, SDS members, OGA members, parents and students also participated.

Pix: B.M. Mukthar- Beruwala Spl. Cor.
