President at Malwathu Maha Vihara | Sunday Observer

President at Malwathu Maha Vihara

6 February, 2022

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa vested the newly constructed Mathgamuwa Temple in the Maha Sangha at the historic Malwathu Maha Vihara. The President visited the Vihara yesterday morning and received blessings from the Malwathu Mahanayake, the Most Ven. Thibbatuwawe Sri Sumangala Thera. The old Mathgamuwa Temple was demolished and the new three-storey building was constructed within a year with the skills and labour provided by the Navy on the instructions of the President. The new building was offered to the Malwathu Anunayake, the Most Ven. Dimbulkumbura Wimaladharma Thera through a Sannas Pathra by the President in keeping with tradition. Sabaragamuwa Governor Tikiri Kobbekaduwa was also present.
