Applications invited for diploma in communication and media studies, University of Colombo | Sunday Observer

Applications invited for diploma in communication and media studies, University of Colombo

19 December, 2021

Applications are invited for the academic year 2022 of the diploma program in Communication and Media Studies, conducted by the Journalist Unit of the University of Colombo. The diploma program is equivalent to the level 5 of the National Vocational Training Qualification (NVQ Level 5) and it is also upgraded to the level 3 of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework(SLQF Level 3).

Journalists who are currently working in media related fields and also with the relevant prior experience are encouraged to apply for the diploma program.

Freelance journalists, writers and artistes in the media industry are qualified to apply for the program. A limited number of applicants who are aspiring to be journalists and currently engaged in media related activities will be selected for the program. Hence, they can also submit their applications.

The program will be conducted in Sinhala, Tamil and English and the participants will be selected from an interview. The applications for the diploma program in Communication and Media Studies can be obtained from the Academic Publication Division of the University of Colombo and the university website, For further details, contact: 0716843267 or 077327733.

The deadline for the acceptance of applications is December, 31, 2021
