Positions Vacant - Clerial / Secretarial
Wanted Secretary to work on part time basis. Please send CV to: 2012investment@gmail.com0771220965.
Positions Vacant - Educational
Colombo Unique Institute,No. 104,Deans Road,Colombo 10. 0703778746,0759504574 Mr Ifthikar. Teachers for Gr. 8,9,10 & 11. English,Health Science,Eng. Lit.,History and Primary class Teachers.
Positions Vacant - Drivers / Chauffeurs
Experienced Driver wanted in Nugegoda with minimum 5 years driving jeeps and cars. Should be willing to reside in Nugegoda and minimum age 35 yrs. will be advantageous. Please call 0705037483.
Positions Vacant - General
Office Staff wanted for an Office in Kotahena,Colombo 13. Age below 25 years with GCE A/L and Computer knowledge. Experience preferred. Please send CV to Email : mlucas272@gmail.com0766228891,0779261877.
Vacancies for Trainee Multi-Duty Lab Assistants (Girls) for our Material Laboratory available. Age : Below 23 years. Contact : 0703537773,0703537779.
Vacancy exists for a Manageress in a ladies hostel in Malabe. Ability to manage staff and lookafter the female Hostellers. Salary Rs. 30,000/= accommodation with EPF/ETF after confirmation. Age below 60 years. IT knowledge is required. Please call 0777356716.
Positions Wanted
Are are looking for a smart person as your Secretary or highly skilled capable staff....? If so,please contact us. Shani 076 9802162.
Having worked as a driver in the tourism industry,I have a good knowledge of all vehicles. I am looking for a driver or a driver post job in the tourism field. 0717454590.
Overseas Gulf Local well experienced person looking for managerial position at Marketing /Recruiting /HR /Admin /Housekeeping /Real Estate. Contact Mob - 0760165492.
Tuition Available
AABA BSc CIMA MBA Edexcel Cambridge Local Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Economics Business Accounts IT Psychology English History Geography Statistics. 0112685649,0112671710,0716128439.
Accounting /Business - O/L Edexcel /Cambridge: Classes by foreign experienced International School Teacher (MBA). Wellawatte 0778941402.
All subjects (Grades 1 to 6) - Leading International School Teacher (Specialized /Experienced) - Visits homes or online (Also classes in Kalubowila). 0724641695.
A home visiting Hazrath offers Quran classes for small children and adults. 0766667276,0755555184.
A/L Combined Maths. Home visited classes. Theory or Revision. Sinhala or English medium. 5000/= per visit. 0768857354.
IELTS speaking test practice with British Teacher from London UK. Call 0779019381.
Lady Teacher visits /Online spoken English,Sinhala,Tamil & other subjects all grades. GCE (O/L) (A/L) English. 0770351835 /0778135914.