Cars for Sale
Toyota Premio 2013 100,000 km KV-No. mint condition,full option. Contact : 0778282823.
Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Vios Silver 2004 Reg. 2007 120 k genuine mileage home used 39-90 negotiable. Tel. 0779782363.
Toyota Vitz I’LL - 1500cc rare model sports,available. Price negotiable. For further information 0777894004,0766940041.
Toyota Vitz 2015 CBK. Black,1st owner,83000 km alloy wheels leather seats excellent condition. 0777838659.
Nissan Cars for Sale
18 series motor car Super Saloon (Doctor Sunny) FB13 AC in good condition,new tyres and battery. Anuradhapura. 071-2361349.
Honda Cars for Sale
CAG-8xxx,2015 Vezel Maroon colour first owner lady driver. 077 6656007,0740005638,0719721443.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
Mahendra Bolero Campo Gold Double Cab 2016 k.m. 19230 first owner. Company maintained. 0777259744.
Mahendra Empirio Double Cab 2016 Km 198875 first owner. Company maintained. 0777259744.
Vehicles Wanted
All makes of cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately on rent basis without the driver to be deployed in public and private sector use. Advance payment,lot of concessionary packages. Govt. Registration No. WC-18880. Pannipitiya,Kandy,Matara. 0112-846026.
Wanted - Toyota Axio,2016 or after cars for the use of state sector commissioners for a period of 05 years - can pay Rs. 160000/- for vehicle only per month. Green Nexus. 076-8219067,0769739106.
Wanted - Toyota Hilux,Ford,Mitsubishi L-200 - 2016 or after cabs for the use of state sector commissioners for a 02 year period. Rs. 260000 for vehicle only monthly payment possible. Green Nexus 076-8219067,0769739106.