The number of neonates born to mothers with Covid-19 are on the rise as more and more pregnant women and their families get infected with Covid-19.
Consultant Neonatologist , University Unit, De Soyza Hospital for Women, Colombo, and Senior Lecturer, Dept of Paediatrics, University of Colombo, Dr Nishani Lucas disclosed this disturbing new health issue while speaking to the Sunday Observer yesterday.
She noted that that around two thirds of pregnant women are asymptomatic. “Most pregnant women who do have symptoms also have very mild symptoms. But a few pregnant women can become severely ill with Covid19, especially if it develops during the last trimester. They are also more likely to develop complications like still births and preterm births.”, she said.
She said, “This is the reason for the circular issued by the Ministry of Health that excludes pregnant women from having to report for work during this period where more and more people are reported to be contracting the disease. It is also the reason why pregnant women more than 25 weeks gestation are recommended institutional care in case of contracting Covid- 19.”
She said “Studies from UK show that pregnant women are no more likely to get Covid than others but are more likely to become more severely ill compared to others.”
When inquired if vaccination was an effective way to protect pregnant mothers and the baby from the current Covid- 19 virus, her response was a positive “Yes. Vaccination is recommended of all pregnant women appears to be the safest and most effective way of protecting both the mother and baby from Covid- 19.”
Dr. Lucas said that it was very important that all pregnant women should attend antenatal care appointments regularly at their local clinics and maintain contact with their public health midwife (PHM) and medical officer of health (MOH), during this pandemic period.
“ This will ensure that both maternal and fetal wellbeing are being closely monitored to ensure good outcomes for both mother and baby,” she told Medi Snips in her message to pregnant mothers. She also said that it was also vital that families seek medical care early in case of any concern about maternal or fetal wellbeing as delay in seeking medical care may lead to the loss of life of the mother as well as the baby.
“Families should not delay seeking medical care for the pregnant women due to the fear of contracting Covid-19”, she said.