World walking and mini run in Sri Lanka World walking and mini run in Sri Lanka | Sunday Observer

World walking and mini run in Sri Lanka World walking and mini run in Sri Lanka

11 July, 2021

The Sri Lanka University Sports Association (SLUSA) says the South Asian University Sports Federation (SAUSF) and the International Aviation Games Board have drawn up plans to organize the second World Walkathon and Mini Run 2021 which will be held from July 16 to 30.

Mevan Induruwa, the Student Ambassador of SLUSA said the challenge of the event will be to walk or run 45kms in 15 days within the confines of home premises of competitors and worked off in three age groups of under 15, under 45 and Open.

He said participants can register with Dr. Chandrakantha Mahendranathan, the Event Chairperson and president of SLUSA at

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