Lankan detainees in Trichy plead for ‘mercy killing’ | Sunday Observer

Lankan detainees in Trichy plead for ‘mercy killing’

12 June, 2021

A group of 79 Sri Lankan Tamils detained at a special detention centre in the Trichy Central Prison in Tamil Nadu commenced a hunger strike on Wednesday pleading with the officials to release them or to carry out a `mercy killing’, informed sources said. The Sri Lankan Tamil prisoners who were detained at the detention centre said that they have been put behind bars under false allegations and their detention was unlawful. They added that IRs. 175 provided as an allowance to purchase food and other essential items in the detention camp was also insufficient and therefore, they sought an increase. According to sources, the Sri Lankan Tamil detainees had launched their hunger strike since their stipulated detention period had already expired. Moreover, they had been forced to stay at the detention centre despite the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic. The detainees have pleaded with the officials of the Trichy Detention Centre to release them or carry out a mercy killing.
