Vesak peace conference in Lankan temple | Sunday Observer

Vesak peace conference in Lankan temple

14 May, 2021

An International conference of world peace through spirituality will be held at the Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist temple on the May 26, in Brisbane, Australia to mark the Vesak Festival.

Ven. Wattegama Dhammawas thera the Viharadhipathi of the temple, explaining the nature of the conference states that “with spread of the Covid pandemic the people in general have lost the peace of mind due to the death threat prevalent all over the globe and virtually live like prisoners locked down in their countries prohibited from travel.

Further all human beings face a threat of peace due to conflicts all over the globe and it is the right time that all religions work together to restore peace through respect to humanity said the Thara.

The event has been arranged with this purpose in mind and it will be attended by the representatives of clergy of all religions in Queensland. The keynote address will be delivered by Ven. Ajan Brhamawanso whilst Ven Rambukewela Gnanaseeha Thera of the Samadhi Buddhist Centre of Singapore, Yatinuwara Sanchitta of Michigen Grate Lakes temple, Ven. Bangaldesh Saranapala Thera of Canada, Dr. Upali Sedera head of the Buddhist University, SIBA and Secretary to the Ministry of Education in Sri Lanka will address the conference through internet.

The Premier of Queensland and the Minister of Multi-cultural Affairs have sent messages felicitating the event.

The Convener of the conference Ven Wattegama Dhammawasa Thera is also the Viharadipathi of the Central Province in the Udarata Amarapura Chapter and the incumbent of the Subhodaramaya at Peradeniya.
