Intelligence and knowledge | Page 4 | Sunday Observer

Intelligence and knowledge

10 May, 2021

Once upon a time in a village enriched with waterfalls and banyan trees there lived a master with a large number of students. One day one of the students approached him with a question. The student after bowing to the master asked, “Teacher, could you please explain the difference between knowledge and intelligence?”

The master, gently smiling replied, “Dear son, identifying a snake is your knowledge while saving yourself from that snake is your intelligence. The student, bowing to the teacher again, went back to his seat.

Even though much has been discussed, what is less fathomed by anyone is the difference between intelligence and knowledge. Knowledge is the facts we get through observation and study on different areas. Intelligence unlike knowledge can not be acquired by following these methods. Intelligence is the art of applying the knowledge effectively and efficiently.

Savoir faire

Even in our childhood we have heard this word many times. Savoir faire is the ability to excel in any critical situation by applying one’s knowledge wisely. The most common folktale about a jackal and a tortoise conveys the essence of Savoir Faire. When the tortoise was caught by the jackal, the tortoise whose intention was saving himself from the jackal asked him to put him in the river as his shell was hard to break. The foolish jackal who had fallen for the tortoise’s trap put him immediately into the water. No sooner had the jackal put him in the river he began to swim swiftly. Wisely he got rid of the jackal. That is how we learnt about being intelligent in our childhood.

Two types

People who we encounter in society belong to two types. Educated and uneducated people. However, surprisingly in society the uneducated can eclipse the educated in different fields. In such cases it is very common for the educated ones to grumble at the whole country because they have to play the second fiddle to the uneducated ones.

Indeed this is intelligence. True that the educated person though in a loose sense of applying his knowledge effectively knows many facts. However, most of the time many intelligent people are not aware of many facts. But the uneducated man is capable of using his little knowledge wisely and effectively. For example, a ferryman who carries people across the river can make extra money by transforming his raft into a “floating restaurant.”

Be smart

When speaking of intelligent people the common saying “Be smart “ comes into our mind. Smart people are capable of doing the same piece of task done by another one more efficiently. Because they know how to apply the knowledge in many ways. Moreover, knowledge can be said to be an entirely experiential phenomenon.

Undoubtedly birth plays a role in it. Because we learn throughout this journey from the womb to the tomb. Furthermore, how to be smart is worth discussing. Firstly it has to be mentioned that there is not a specific path for being smart. It depends on the individuals.

Regular exercise

Taking physical exercise everyday can help you maintain your physical health. If you are a sickly feeble person you have to undergo many bitter experience. According to the Buddhism , one’s health is the greatest wealth one can gain.


Meditation is the key to concentrating our mind on any piece of task. Mind is like a blowing feather in the wind but we have to give the correct direction to it. If we can concentrate our mind on what we want , we can win the whole world.

Time management

The well-known saying is “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” We can save plenty of time by being an early riser. But unfortunately we linger on social media without acting on priorities. The best solution is making a to-do list including all the priorities.


By reading many books we can expand our capacities and capabilities. We should read newspapers daily or once a weak so that we can stay up-to-date with current events. In addition, we should create an interest in our mind to read a short story or a novel daily during our leisure time.

Review what you have learnt

It is possible to read a lot but it requires a great effort to review all the facts. But by training our mind we can do it smoothly. Moreover, it helps us cement our knowledge as well.

Being innovative -: we can come up with new ideas and concepts rather than confining ourselves into conventional theories. It requires one’s intelligence as well.

Playing brain games

Though we know playing brain games can increase our brain power we do not have an interest in starting it. We can train our mind towards one direction by engaging ourselves in brain games. Another advantage is that such games do not make us addicted to it.

We can transform our lives into smart lifestyles by being intelligent. What we need is our dedication towards our targets. Society is in need of not the nerds but the intelligent individuals.

It does not mean that if you follow these steps you can be smart or intelligent. However, it is evident that you can excel yourself in any field by following these steps. All in all, it depends on how much you sacrifice yourself for your goal.
