It is not a secret that the whole world has been fascinated with the idea of finding alien life since the old ages. While most cultures across the world have folktales and age- old stories about unknown beings visiting earth, we the Sri Lankans often talked about flying saucers and listened to famous songs written about ‘kurumitto’ aliens from Mars too. Not forgetting that there are millions of people that believe in the possibility of advanced aliens existing beyond our Solar system, there are also millions of sceptics that have always debunked these theories and refused to believe that the universe contains no other advanced beings other than humans.
Capabilities of NASA
Ultimately, when it comes to finding the ‘truth’ about any living beings outside our planet, there is no other institution more capable than America’s famous NASA, who has many missions at work at any given time to find such evidence. However, the whole world knows that no other country also is more capable of hiding secrets as well as lying to the world than America too. As NASA information is also protected by the US secret service, they have been denying any knowledge on any advanced alien life or evidence until now. Despite their ongoing denials and rejections to release such evidence that they might have, the past month has been an exciting time for UFO enthusiasts across the world.
Pentagon admits authentic
All because, the US Government has openly disclosed some files and videos relating to UFO sightings in an unprecedented manner, Most media says this was because they were ‘leaked’ documents and the Defence Ministry had to admit the truth, while some says a few of these files were deliberately released to the world. Among them is the most recent, a 2019 video that captured apparent unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is an authentic video by US Navy personnel. As per several American media outlets, the U.S. the Department of Defense has recently confirmed this video and the UFOs are not necessarily alien in nature, but they are considered unidentified but given their vast amount of most advanced radars and other sensors, the US Government was not able to identify what they are.
The military’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is reportedly investigating the several strange air or spacecrafts captured on video - including one that appears to be a triangle shape, one shaped like an acorn and another one described as a metallic blimp that moves like a rocket as per the Pentagon. The most interesting part of these recent stories is, one of the videos is said to be showing an unidentified object was moving in a way that defied the laws of physics, which will make any UFO enthusiast’s jaws drop. It is clear that if these objects were made by any kind of living being, they would certainly have to be a lot more advanced than the human race to create something that moves in a way that defies the laws of physics that we know of.
Sir Arthur C Clarke has repeatedly said such advanced beings, especially in his best selling Science Fictions like 2001: A Space Odyssey.2010 and 2061 who found ways to travel across the universe faster and more efficiently than we could ever imagine, in their quest to find other advanced beings, where they made several stops on our planet earth since ancient times of human evolution.
In one of the videos, taken during a Navy Pilot training in 2004 and leaked to the New York Times in 2017, the pilots can be heard exchanging exclamations with each other stating that the object is moving in an unbelievable way against the wind, while the wind was 120 knots to the West. These videos and many others have been analysed over and over again by all famous American media outlets as well as the rest of the world and the recent admittance by the Pentagon of them as ‘authentic’ has renewed all these media interests in this subject.
Right to know the truth
In December 2020, the Trump Government enacted the Intelligence Authorization Act, which called for the release of an unclassified and all-sources report on unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) to the delight of UFO enthusiasts around the world. The act was included in the appropriations bill that also included financial aid checks for people living with the economic fallout from Covid-19. As the whole world is aware that the US boasts the world’s most advanced military and space exploration technologies, one could wonder when the US says that they cannot explain how the crafts are able to pull such maneuvers.
It remains unclear whether the Government believes these to be sightings of foreign air craft using technologies unfamiliar to the United States, or whether they believe the craft are not of this world. As the pioneer of Space travel, Russia now remains the next closest to the US boasting such advanced technologies, and standing next is China, however, currently the US stands at the front in space travel in every sense and when they say they cannot explain the ‘technologies’ involved in such movements, we all have to wonder if indeed, it is not from this world.