The power line that boomeranged
BADULLA: The man laid a trap using a live power line to protect his Chena from wild animals that roam the village after dusk but at the end of it all it was his wife that had to pay the supreme sacrifice.
The incident was reported from Hali Ella, Badulla.
The 56-year-old victim had ventured out into the Chena at dawn to pluck some beans and greenery to be prepared for breakfast on the day when she stepped on to the deadly wire.
The victim’s husband would lay the live wire trap after dusk each day and disconnect the power shortly at dawn before the other members of household wake up.
Mail order drugs
POLICE HQ: Some 27 grams of ‘Kush’ and 38 grams of ‘Kush Oil’ were discovered neatly concealed among foreign mail that arrived from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently.
The mail addressed to a fake name was opened after it had remained unclaimed.
The Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) has uncovered details of a racket that smuggles narcotics to Sri Lanka via airmail.
The case has now been handed over to the Police Narcotic Bureau (PNB).
Executive in hot water
HEIYANTHUDUWA: He was a Senior Executive of a private company and owed the company a sizeable amount of cash and so he staged a fake robbery that backfired.
He owed his employer Rs. 2,384,000 after spending the cash on his family and other personal needs.
When it came to payback time, the man in sheer desperation came up with the plan to fake a robbery to convince his employer that the money had been stolen.
Cheered on by his wife and brother-in-law, the man lodged a complaint with the Heiyanthuduwa Police that he had been robbed of Rs. 2,384,000 while proceeding to the bank to deposit the cash.
However, the police were not convinced as the man made contradictory statements and under interrogation he confessed to the lie.
The executive and his brother-in-law now face multiple charges that include embezzlement and making a false complain to police.
Cop on the mat
POLICE HQ: A Police Constable of the Sapugaskanda Police was arrested along with 393 grams of heroin with a street value of Rs. 4 million at the Respiratory Hospital in Welisara.
The 35-year-old suspect was picked up in ‘sting’ operation by undercover detectives when he reported for duty at the Welisara Respiratory Hospital.
Another 286 grams of heroin were found stashed in his home Jayanthi Mawatha, Mulleriyawa.
Sleuths also found out that the suspect is an accomplice of large scale heroin trafficker Rasika Ruwan Kumara alias ‘Navy Ruwan’.
He was later handed over to the Police Narcotic Bureau (PNB).
500 die in road accidents
POLICE HQ: Over 500 persons died and another 1,054 persons were critically injured in road accidents from the start of this year, police statistics revealed last week.
Another 2,488 persons also sustained minor injuries.
Some 1, 284 vehicles were also damaged during the time.