EMPLOYMENT & SERVICES | Page 6 | Sunday Observer


7 February, 2021

Positions Vacant - Medical

Wanted veterinary surgeon (BVSc) for a private veterinary medical centre. 0777744011.

Positions Vacant - Accounts/Finance

Wanted Accounts Assistant with Advanced Level Accounts. Salary 25,​000/​= p.m. Walk-in interview 11.02.21 - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 75,​ Alexandra Place,​ Colombo 7. 011-2695606.

Positions Vacant - Technical

Technical Vacancies - Wanted Trained /​ Trainee Machine Operators with Technical knowledge. Send applications to - o​f​f​i​c​e​@​m​e​d​i​c​c​o​m​.​l​k​ Mediccom Private Limited,​ P.O. Box 0707,​ Colombo.

Positions Vacant - Hotel & Bakery

Restaurant Vacancy - * Kitchen Helpers,​ * Waiters,​ * Indian Cooks,​ * Chinese Cooks,​ * Cleaners. Contact : 0767532288,​ Hotline : 0114-328618/​19. Email : l​a​l​q​i​l​a​4​1​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Wanted Manager for bed & breakfast hotel on Galle Road,​ Colombo 3. 0771682453.

Positions Vacant - General

Looking for ladies and gents to work under a Manageress schedule your own working time. Monthly earning over Rs. 100,​000.00 travel allowances,​ phone bills and fuel allowances even if you do not have a vehicle. Additional unbelievable bonus for every month. A foreign tour every year opening to join a blue-chip company. Make your working address Colombo 07. Please call 071-5436377,​ 078 3246196.

Vacancy for Production Assistant,​ age below 40 GCE A/​L prior experience in Production knowledge of applicable standards. Please forward your CV o​f​f​i​c​e​@​m​e​d​i​c​c​o​m​.​l​k​ Mediccom Pvt. Ltd.,​ P.O. Box 0707,​ Colombo.

Positions Wanted

I wish to stay in a house or building while providing security for the said property and person living there in Colombo 01-15. Please call Mohamed on 0728196245.

Looking for a live-in cleaning job at an Executive accommodation. Please call Mohamed on 0771106679.

Wanted Auto Electrician. Accommodation available if required. Adnan Aircons,​ Colombo 3. 0771682453.

Tuition Available

AABA ABE CIMA ACCA Edexcel Cambridge Local Mathematics Statistics Business Studies Economics Accounts IT Psychology English Literature History Sociology Geography Human Biology Chemistry Physics Law Computer Science COS 0112685649 0112671710,​ 0716128439.

Accounting,​ Economics,​ Business,​ Maths,​ Business Statistics. CIMA Accountant,​ Masters Graduate,​ 30 years International Schools,​ Institutes. A/​L,​ O/​L,​ Universities,​ assignment writing. Excellent results. 0727792855.

Achieve 100% results with a A* or world rank for Chemistry Biology Physics Mathematics and Science Cambridge Edexcel and Local O/​L IGCSE A/​L. Call 0779639911.

G.C.E. A/​L Physics Science Theory/​Revision,​ individual and group classes in Colombo and Gampaha surroundings with marking scheme of model and past papers and discussions. Lecturer Madushan Ganegedara BSc.,​ MSc. (R) 0774704833.

IELTS/​Spoken English for students /​ adults /​ office staff by UK qualified Burgher lady Trainer. 0703396330.

Master offers tuition English Language Literature Maths Physics Biology homes visited online tuition. Philip Ferdinands 0777622834.

Mathematics Advanced Ordinary Grade Six upwards Edexcel Cambridge Local. Produced best results Pure 1,​ 2,​ 3,​ Mechanics 1,​ 2,​ 3,​ Statistics 1,​ 2. Home visits. Also online. Classes at Moratuwa. Derwin Fernando 0773555006.

Sinhala & History Grade 6-11 (O/​L - 2021) experienced paper marking graduate teacher. Home visited/​online. Tel: 071 8152198.
