26 March, 2023

Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Corolla L Tour Wagon mint condition. 20/6,Templar Road,Mt. Lavinia.
Nissan Cars for Sale
Leaf 2012 CAK-70 KMPC Rs. 2950000/=,R-Sports 12-1400cc F-Light 4-1300 VW,16-850cc Coure Rs. 950,000/=,14-Charade Rs. 680,000/= Nugegoda. 0722841786,0718262853.
Vehicles Wanted
All types of cars,vans,jeeps,cabs are required immediately on rent basis without the driver to be used in Govt and private sector institutions. Pre-payments and lot of relief packages. Govt Registration No. WC 18880 - Pannipitiya - Kandy - Matale. 011-2846026.