Adda open call: translations from South and Southeast Asia | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Adda open call: translations from South and Southeast Asia

24 January, 2021

The adda magazine is seeking translated work from South and Southeast Asia. While we accept poetry, non-fiction, and fiction: non-fiction entries – in particular – are strongly encouraged. The work, submitted in English, must originally have been written in any of the languages of Brunei, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore or Malaysia by a contemporary writer, on any theme.

If selected for publication, the translator will be remunerated, as will the original author;. The translator must have acquired the written right to translate the original text by the time it is submitted. The submission can have been published previously in the original, but not in English (either in full or in part). The original text must be included alongside the translation: both will be assessed; self-translations are eligible.

The deadline for submissions is February 21, 2021.

Who is eligible to submit:

• Anyone who has translated work by a citizen of Brunei,

Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Malaysia.

• There is no entry fee.

• Each translator may submit work by up to two authors.

A separate submission should be made for each.

How to submit (via the form below):

• Submit no more than two poems,

which together must not exceed five pages;

• or one short story of between 2000—4000 words;

• or one non-fiction piece of between 2000—4000 words.

• Formatting: Arial 12-pt font. Word docs, no PDFs.

• Make sure no identifying information appears on the submission;

submissions are read anonymously.

• The deadline for submissions is the February 21, 2021.

All entrants will be contacted before March 22, 2021.



Use and development of the poetic version in Classical Bharata Natyam - a lecture demonstration

by Dr. Subashini Pathmanathan

at 6.00 pm on Friday, 29, January 2021

The Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre (SVCC), High Commission of India, Colombo, will be holding an online Classical Bharata Natyam lecture demonstration on Janaury 29 2021 at 6pm on its FACEBOOK page

Dr. Subashini Pathmanathan started her Bharatha Natyam journey at the age of two and half. Trained under the great maestro, the late Padmashree Vazhuvoor Ramiahpillai at Vazhuvoorar classical Bharata Natya Centre, Mylapore, and Chennai, Subashini was conferred with the title Natya Kala Shikamani. She has performed in numerous dance festivals in Sri Lanka and around the globe.

She is a well known columnist in Sri Lanka on dance and related topics and has won the Esmond Wickremesinghe award for journalism in 1991.

In 2008, she was conferred with the title Kavin Kalayeyal Neeringaar from Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirapalli.

She has been a faculty member of the SVCC, Colombo since its inception in 1998 and Founder of the Vimolothaya Classical Bharata Natya Kendra.

Dr. Subashini also completed her Master of Philosophy degree in aesthetics from the Punjab University, India and got a doctorate in ancient Hindu temple sculptures and decorative sculptures of the Polonnaruwa period in relation to classical Bharatha Natyam from University of Colombo. It is open to the public.

For further details, please contact the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre on telephone no: 2684698 and Email: [email protected].


A night of Visakhian virtuosity

The Social Activities Sub Committee - 2020/21 of Visakha Vidyalaya Old Girls’ Association will hold an online talent show to enliven the memories of Visakha Vidyalaya.

The past Visakhians can showcase their talents in five major talents categories, singing, instrumental music, dancing, acting/miming/stand-up comedy and arts/digital arts and sculpture.

Contestants can take part in the talent show either individually or as a group. The entry fee for applicants living in Sri Lanka is Rs 1000. The fee for Visakhians living overseas is USD 10. Registration for Viva La-Vida is now open and the contestants can register themselves for the competition through the Facebook page of Visakha Vidyalaya Old Girls’ Association or the Facebook page of Viva La-Vida.

The Semi Finals will be held on February 10. The Grand Finale will be on February 13.
