Climate change and strategies to mitigate consequences | Sunday Observer

Climate change and strategies to mitigate consequences

24 January, 2021

It has been declared that due to human behaviour, there has been a significant change in the climate. The change in the concentration and proportionality of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could be considered as the initial cause behind the climate change.

Due to this, a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the planet is noticed. This phenomenon has come into being owing to the automation and the industrial revolution.

Earth’s temperature has become more intense due to extreme weather in recent years. Soaring levels of manufacturing and economic activities which emit greenhouse gases; methane and carbon dioxide, have contributed towards the change in temperature.

The land, the ocean, the biosphere and the cryosphere (ice and snow) and the atmosphere are covered by Earth’s climate system. Owing to a vast array of factors, the climate is persistently changing. For the past 200 years, it is the human activity which has been influential on the climate of Earth.

Changes in weather

The scientists have declared that during the past few decades, the Eastern Europe has experienced milder winters where frosts were not much visible. The winter season was also short-lived where occasionally the partial snow break was reported. Heavy floods are reported in the Western Europe. Some regions of North America also experience heavy flooding.

As Global Annual Surface Temperature (GAST) rises up, the water levels of oceans also rise and the coastal areas in which more than 60 percent of the world population lives get flooded.

The greenhouse effect gets aggravated. The degree of evaporation of water in the world’s oceans is increasing.

According to Global Climate Warming as an Anthropogenic and Ecological Reality, a research by Lina Konoplia and her group in Ukraine in 2020, economic activities have been identified as the most crucial element of global warming which include a considerable increase of immensely hazardous pollution of the environment with super toxins that bring out an escalating global warming and greenhouse effect.

As noted by Alok Gupta in his book of “Conservation, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice in India”, the effects projected with regard to global warming are of different and countless types which include the environment as well as that of human life.

The spread of diseases, extreme weather conditions, depletion in the ozone layer and the rise in the sea level could be noted as some of those effects.


The world is required to collaborate and take action to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change and global warming. But unfortunately, in the world context, due to the irresponsible behaviour of some governmental institutions as well as that of the public where poverty is wide spread with less infrastructure facilities, it is clear that sometimes those efforts get obstructed.

Solving the problem of global warming should also have a strategic way in which the restoration of bio-diversity, the improvement of the ecosphere, greening the planet Earth while greening every sphere of human activities should be encouraged.

People should contribute to minimise the negative consequences of global warming where more recycling, less driving, less use of hot water, lowering the round of packaging in products, planting trees, changing a light (replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year) and switching off electronic devices when not in use could be considered worthwhile.

Physicians are also required to take a leading role where actions which can mitigate air pollution should be promoted with the participation of environmental organisations whereby the people’s health could be protected by understanding the necessity to lower the global warming.
