A New Year 2021 is here and a Very Happy New Year to all of you | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

A New Year 2021 is here and a Very Happy New Year to all of you

3 January, 2021

The New Year is a time to leave the past behind and start a new. How many of you have made New Year Resolutions?

In other words promises to yourself to do better, give up some bad habits such as biting your nails or fidgeting in class or even fighting with your siblings or lying to your parents. Other promises may include to study harder, do your homework regularly and to watch less TV and videos. Cutting down on phone calls and social media too are good resolutions to make. Being unselfish and helping others and being kind to animals are very good resolutions to make if you are already not practising them.

Making Resolutions is easy. Keeping them is hard. Some people make many resolutions but break them. There is no point making many resolutions and then, breaking them. Therefore, instead of loading yourself with promises you can’t keep, it is better to make just a few, even one and strictly keep them.

Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us in these early days of 2021. Therefore, it is very important that we adhere to the health guidelines issued by the authorities. Wearing masks, washing and sanitising our hands often and keeping the one metre distance is very important to protect ourseleves and others. Please keep these in mind when you get back to school.

Another essential thing to remember is to avoid unnecessary gatherings. So, for a while keep parties, concerts, parades and such events in NO-NO land.
