Book launch | Page 8 | Sunday Observer

Book launch

27 December, 2020

A book and a radio program will be launched in Sri Lanka to commemorate the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). A collection of articles by Prof. Samitha Hettige on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its lessons for Conflict Prevention in Sri Lanka will be launched on January 1 to coincide with the centenary year of the CPC which was set up on July 23, 1921 in Shanghai. The book is titled “The Moon is Not in the Water” (a Chinese proverb on the value of hard work).A Radio program “Shanghai Sangarawa” will also be aired from today on China Radio International (CRI) Sri Lanka (97.9FM) to mark the event.

The program directed by veteran broadcaster Seelarathna Senerath and produced by Tharindu Perera is a concept of Prof. Hettige. CRI’s program on the BRI was recognised as one of the best investigative radio programs at the Presidential Media Awards 2019.

