Golf still waiting to restart | Sunday Observer

Golf still waiting to restart

13 December, 2020

Golf was one sport that continued to be played in Sri Lanka even after the first outbreak of Covid-19 in March this year. Sri Lanka Golf (SLG) and the Royal Colombo Golf Club (RCGC) conducted their usual tournaments every month.

They conducted tournaments such as the monthly medal, junior championship and others, about four a month but without any sponsors.

But with the latest outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic activities on the golf course has come to a standstill. The main reason for this is the pull-out by the caddies who are all abstaining from attending the course.

The Sunday Observer learns that the reason for this is because some caddies or their family members had tested positive of Covid-19.

Now the entire membership of caddies are keeping away from the course. This has made it difficult for the players to go about with their game beside carrying the heavy golf bags on their shoulders.

Earlier, many members turned up in the mornings and evenings for leisure games with their friends but all this has stopped.

Even the RCGC has cancelled all their tournaments until the situation in the country returns back to normal before activities picks up again. Many golfers will be awaiting for this situation to resume their normal rounds on the course.
