Health guidelines, a must for schools | Page 8 | Sunday Observer

Health guidelines, a must for schools

22 November, 2020

Deputy Director General (Public Health), Dr. Hemantha Herath said that all schools from tomorrow (23) should always follow the health guidelines to reduce the risk of Covid-19.

He told the media in Colombo yesterday that these were the same guidelines issued by the health authorities after the outbreak of the first Covid-19 wave.

However, health guidelines should be followed more strictly now than before to prevent the spread of Covid-19, he said.

He said at times, some schools cannot assure that children always follow health guidelines, but they should try to do so because following health guidelines strictly would assure protection against Covid-19 and failing to do so would increase the risk of getting infected with the virus.

Dr. Herath said that the basic health guidelines are maintaining at least one and a half metres distance between each person always, wearing a face mask covering the nose and mouth, washing hands with soap and water often or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Schoolchildren should be trained to follow respiratory etiquette (cough/sneeze into your elbow) and hand washing from early childhood, which are good health habits that need to be followed throughout their lives, he added.

