The Stock Room Art Sale will be held at the JDA Perera Gallery, today 10.00am.
The sale will include over 600 works by Abdul Halik Azeez, Chudamani Clowes, Fabienne Francotte, Firi Rahman, Gayan Prageeth, Hashan Cooray, Illangovan Darshiya,Kanesh Thabendran, Kingsley Gunatillake, Mika Tennekoon, Muvindu Binoy, Namal Kumara, Nuwan Nalaka, Pakkiyarajah Pushpakanthan, Prageeth Manohansa, Pramith Geekiyanage, Priyantha Weerasooriya, Ruwan Prasanna,Savesan Nallaiah, Thujiba Vijayalayan, Torin Chandrasekera, Vajira Gunawardena and Yuwantha Yasas.
Modern Quests | Art & Sculpture exhibition
Painting and sculpture exhibition of German artist Akeem Kalugalla curated by Gallery FourLife from October 2-4