The Election Commission (EC) in its proposals on the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, has called for pruning the quorum to convene a meeting to two.
The Commission has presented proposals relating to its functions to be incorporated in the 20th Amendment which is being mooted by the Government. According to Director Legal of the Election Commission Nimal Punchihewa, the relevant proposals have been presented to the Ministry of Justice.
The regulations call for all three members of the Commission to be present to convene a meeting. As a result the three-member Commission cannot convene in the absence of any of its members. Therefore, the EC has proposed to change the quorum for EC meetings to two.
With the term of the present Commission expiring in November, in its proposals forwarded to the Ministry, the Commission has suggested that an experienced official be appointed as one of the Commission’s three members.It has proposed to appoint a retired officer who was formerly a Deputy Commissioner or of a higher rank as a member of the Commission.