Navy nabs four suspects with cannabis | Sunday Observer

Navy nabs four suspects with cannabis

17 May, 2020
The Navy disinfects a recently seized Cannabis haul in Jaffna
The Navy disinfects a recently seized Cannabis haul in Jaffna

The Navy along with the Special Task Force (STF) of the Police nabbed four suspects with cannabis in two operations in Beliatta and Thanamalwila on Friday.

The Navy with the assistance of the STF detected 900 Kilograms of Cannabis while being transported for sale in Beliatta,

In another operation at Kahakurullanpelessa, Thanamalwila, the Navy apprehended a suspect with 2.5 Kilograms of cannabis. An electric scale and proceeds from the sale of cannabis amounting to Rs. 600,000 were confiscated. Navy Spokesman Lieutenant Commander Isuru Suriyabandara said the Navy has been carrying out its regular duties, including anti-drug operations despite the Covid-19 outbreak.

The Navy has been instrumental in carrying out large drug busts recently. In April, the Navy made the largest drug bust when it sized two foreign vessels with 400 kg of Heroin and 100 Kilograms of Crystal Methampahatimaine on board with an estimated value of Rs. 6 billion.

The Navy made another drug bust on April 1 when its offshore patrol vessel SLNS Sayurala intercepted a foreign vessel carrying 605 Kilograms of Methamphetamine and 579kg Ketamine 463 nautical miles off the southern coast.

