Covid-19 not linked to politics - DGHS Dr. Anil Jasinghe | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Covid-19 not linked to politics - DGHS Dr. Anil Jasinghe

17 May, 2020

Sri Lanka did not link Covid-19 to politics while other countries entangled the two. There is an excellent coordination among the Government, the health authorities, Security Forces and the Foreign Ministry. That is why Sri Lanka achieved a significant success in controlling Covid-19. Now it is the responsibility of all Sri Lankans to strictly follow the health guidelines, Health Services Director General Dr. Anil Jasinghe said.

According to Dr. Jasinghe, the country is now gradually opening and guidelines have been issued for all state and private institutions and settings such as weddings, using walking tracks etc. The set of guidelines can be downloaded from the Health Ministry website. The public as well as all institutions should strictly follow `The Operational Guidelines on Preparedness and Response for Covid-19 Outbreak for Work Settings. Dr. Jasinghe said the set of Operational Guidelines on Preparedness and Response for Covid-19 Outbreak for Tourism Industry will be declared soon, after the final decisions are made. At present, a series of discussions are ongoing in connection with the subject. Tourists cannot be quarantined for 14 days. But now tourists are willing to come to Sri Lanka under any rule or regulation due to the safe environment in the country with regard to Covid-19. Dr. Jasinghe said considering the possibility of Covid-19 existing in the world for over two years, the people should strictly follow and learn to live their normal life. That is why the country is now being opened step by step with a control. Since the health authorities are very much vigilant on Covid-19, the people do not need to panic unnecessarily, but strictly follow all health guidelines in order to continue the Covid-19 controlled situation.
