Make best use of the quarantine, while countering Covid-19 | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Make best use of the quarantine, while countering Covid-19

3 May, 2020

Covid-19 , the novel coronavirus has affected 192 countries and territories around the globe leading to social confinement. We are in various levels of quarantine to fight the virus and it is not easy.

The stress of staying indoors and watching the cases and death toll rise across the globe could take its own toll. Quarantine period is a measure taken to prevent the spread of  covid-19, and as responsible citizens we should not think that it is a punishment. However, the implications of quarantine on people’s mental well being cannot be overlooked. Psychological experts point out that the impact of quarantine could result in a range of mental health concerns causing mental imbalance leading to depression. Fighting boredom comes on top.

Human beings are not really happy to spend endless time at home, not knowing what to do with oneself. There is something about pandemics that cause people to panic, to empty their minds along with the supermarket shelves. We must try to preserve some sense of normalcy for our own well-being.

This is the time to inject some sort of sense into our minds to fight the pandemic and deal with the mental tension we are undergoing. Right now hangouts and fine dining date nights are put on hold for a while.

It is the time to learn to respect solitude.  If we are unable to be alone, we are going to be lonely. It is the best time to cherish self- isolation.

 Look into your scars, repaint them and add some colour to your black and white life. Serve yourself with a delicious meal. Eat healthy to boost your immune system.

I am sure amid all the hustle and bustle you have forgotten to talk to yourself. Talk to your inner heart, answer your own questions. Being mentally active is important during this pandemic situation.

 In this fast moving society we have apparently missed spending some quality time with our family. The quarantine period has opened the door to rekindle the relationships that were decayed due to various reasons.

 Also a list of books will help you go through the quarantine period. Any book you prefer will help to escape the pandemic. Moreover, listen to some music and shake your body. Do some yoga and walk down the stairs.

It would all do good and take your mind off the pandemic.

Moving on to the most vulnerable saviour of the quarantine period, 90 percent of us have started to find solace in social media. In my opinion, we must stay informed about the situation via reliable sources but limit social media intake to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

The World Health Organization has designed a video game to promote hand washing focusing to raise a hand for hygiene. We can actively participate by sharing a hand washing video of ourselves, for the sake of humanity. Act sensibly and save mankind, Happy quarantine!
