Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) Director General M.S.M.Fawzer said the government has reduced the prices of more than 15,000 varieties of goods in the market, giving benefits of tax concessions to the consumers.The Director General said around 80 companies have already informed the CAA in writing about the price reduction of their products.
“The prices of electrical items, jams, cordials, biscuits and chocolates, building construction equipment, soaps, baby items, soft drinks and several other items have been reduced by the government as a result of the tax concessions,” said. Her pointed out that they will take necessary steps to inform the public about these price reductions through newspaper advertisements and the publishing of posters near retail outlets.He said they have already given instructions to the relevant companies and institutions to inform the concessions to the public, and added that they will take legal action against any company failing to provide the tax concessions.