Vehicle importers are lobbing the Finance Ministry to revise tax rates imposed on hybrid and electric vehicles claiming the current rates have completely stopped the importation of such vehicles. The Vehicle Imports’ Association of Lanka (VIAL) will meet government officials to present their proposals for next year’s Budget.
The President of VIAL Indika Sampath Merenchige said there was an error made when calculating the existing tax rates of imported hybrid and electric vehicles and it needs to be ‘fixed’.
He added that the error was made because the authorities failed to consult traders and custom officials before imposing the tax. The recently announced tax reliefs do not affect imported vehicles.
Merenchige also said the association also intends to discuss with the Finance Ministry about creating a space for vehicle importers to carry out their business without hindrance.
Meanwhile, the President of Vehicle Imports’ Association of Sri Lanka (VIASL) Ranjan Peiris said his association has requested a meeting with the Treasury to discuss the future of vehicle importers.
“We hope to discuss ways of strengthening the industry while increasing the revenue of the government. We need a level playing field,” he said.
The VIASL President said that the government is not gaining revenue due to unfair trading practices. If such practices could be stopped the government need not have to increase taxes.