About our son we are well established in business and citizen in UK. Proposed son 29 years old handsome fair 5’7’’ Sinhala Bodu Govi educated and qualified from Isipathana College Colombo and University in UK,were looking for educated pretty fair daughter. Please reply: hallstatt1990@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified pleasant daughter is sought by Western Province Buddhist V/G retired teacher parents,for their youngest son 1986,5’8’’ Automation Engineer working in Singapore. PR holder NS/TT educated in a leading school in Colombo. Non-malefic horoscope. Reply with family details,horoscope and contact number,differences immaterial. shanprop@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified daughter is sought by S/B parents from Colombo suburb for their son born in Oct 1990. Associate Technical Specialist /Software Engineer at an International Firm. Masters from UK. Studied at St. Thomas’s,Ananda,Lyceum. Father working for an International company as Country Manager. Mother a teacher. Younger sister just completed her business management degree. Reply with horoscope. FB name,email: proposalcyn905@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well mannered pretty slim fair daughter below 27 yrs from a decent family (preferably residing or citizens in USA) is sought by B/G respectable business family for their younger son NS/TT 1990,5’11’’,fair very handsome BS Mechanical Engineering in USA qualified and currently reading for PhD in Mechanical and Energy Engineering in USA. He owns commercial buildings and land properties worth more than Rs. 500 Million in Sri Lanka. Only brother BSc holder,working for a multinational company in Colombo. A non malefic horoscope. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact number. usproposals07@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well-employed fair slim caring daughter is sought by B/G Sinhalese parents from Colombo suburb for their youngest son 34 years 5’8’’ fair good looking and caring. Employed as a Consultant in Multi National IT Company. Two elder brothers are married. Recently divorced from very short incompatible marriage as the plaintiff. No encumbrances. The daughter should be below 33 yrs with pleasing personality. Shani in 7th. Sinhalese Catholics or Christians also considered. Malefic but favorable horoscopes are preferred. Reply with the horoscope and the family details. Email: mprop4519x@gmail.com
Academically qualified pleasant kind hearted daughter is sought by B/G parents for their son 45+ yrs slim 6 feet Assistant Professor in USA young looking N/S and TTL. He is legally separated after brief incompatible marriage. No encumbrances. Reply with family details contact Nos. and horoscope to: bouldercreek321@gmail.com
Academically qualified professional daughter sought below 40. I am academically qualified 47 divorced 5’2’’. warren.raed@gmail.com
Academically qualified professional pretty daughter from a respectable family sought by G/B Colombo suburbs,father businessman,mother teacher for their handsome well mannered son with MSc in IT (Moratuwa) Software Engineer working in a foreign company in Colombo. Born in 1989 January 5’7’’ educated at a leading school in Colombo. Inherits valuable assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. rproposals20@gmail.comTel: 0112932011.
Affluent Buddhist Govi professional parents form Colombo invite proposals for their only son 26 years Royalist,engineering graduate B. Eng. (Hons) currently employed,6’ tall,handsome with sobar habits and having assets. The proposed daughter is expected to be academically /professionally qualified,slim,pretty,well brought up height 5’6” to 5’9” from a well connected respectable family with a similar background. Please respond to m.proposals@gmail.comwith family details,contact information and horoscope.
American Citizen, MBBS Colombo, employed in medical administrative field, Buddhist Govi, 5’9” 39 years old son. Parents seek partner below 33 willing to migrate to USA. Reply to paper or email: [email protected]
American citizen,- studied up to A/L,in Buddhist school in Colombo,and graduated in leading University in USA,he is 33 years and 5’11’’ in height. B/G parents live in Colombo seek pleasant,educated and kind-hearted daughter who is willing to settle in USA. Prefer those who live or study in USA. He owns property in USA as well as SL. (Caste immaterial),kindly reply with horoscope. proposal2019usa@gmail.com
An educated, kind, beautiful life partner is sought by a divorced (without children), handsome, kind hearted, University lecturer (Science) from Kandy,aged 44 years, 5’7” height. [email protected]
A pretty,educated,slim,kind daughter from a respectable family sought by Govi/Buddhist retired Engineer father for their son a Civil Engineer,working for Government Department in USA. He is a PR holder,born in January 1992,height 5’5’’ completing Masters end of 2019. Reply with family details,horoscope and contact telephone numbers. Email address: marriageloku2019@gmail.com
A simple,kind-hearted,loving daughter is sought by Buddhist Karawa respectable parents from Colombo suburbs,for their 6’2’’ tall handsome,kind-hearted,religious and caring 29 year (05/1990) old well brought up son. He is teetotaller,non-smoker. Our son is professionally qualified from an Australian University and working as an Accountant. He holds dual citizenship in Sri Lanka and Australia. He currently resides in Melbourne,Australia. We prefer a daughter who is either currently studying or working in Melbourne,Australia. Caste immaterial. Please reply with family details along with copy of horoscope and contact information. Tel: 0112716839. Email: cdproposals@gmail.com
A suitable partner sought by BG professional parents,for only son,27,6’0”. Engineering graduate,attached to Australian State Service,currently enrolled to leading Australian University for Masters. Please reply with family details,and birth chart. strategic0306@gmail.com
Bodu Govi mother seeks pretty bride for her son who is private English Teacher having assets and earing monthly good income. 1986 Shani Kuja 2. anuruddhanugadeniya@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents seek a partner for their handsome NS/TT son born in 1989 height 5’11’’ studied at a leading school in Kandy,graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering Degree. He was attached to a well known Software Firm in Colombo as a Software Engineer and presently working remotely for a Newyork based Software Product company as a Lead Engineer and earning a substantial (foreign) income. He owns a modern house in Colombo suburbs luxury SUV and inherits other properties. Educated,well-mannered caring daughter is sought. Please reply with family details H/C. marprop2019@gmail.com
BS respectable family living in USA is looking for a bride (living in USA) for our fair and handsome 5.7” well mannered son,born in 1987,Royalist,graduated as an Aircraft Engineer (UK),living in US. He inherits properties both in US and Sri Lanka. The prospective daughter to be pretty,good natured & educated,presently in US only. Please reply with family details & the horoscope to mproposal1987@yahoo.com
Buddhist Govi respectable parents seek a pretty daughter for their only son,living in the USA Green Card Holder,born in 1991 height 5’8’’ well brought up with Buddhist values working as a Senior Software Engineer in a reputed company. Prefers Sri Lankans studying or working in the USA/Canada. Please reply with the horoscope. Email: mgprop1991@gmail.com
Buddhist parents seek an educated daughter born or brought up in UK for their UK born son,fair,handsome,34,5’10’’,Senior Global Company Director in one of the worlds largest ICT Companies. Owns property. Assets in UK,Sri Lanka. Replies from UK only. nf462@hotmail.com
B/Deva parents seek an educated daughter for their son,he is 29,5’6’’ an all rounder with a good personality and Buddhist values,graduated in Management and Masters of Accountancy at Central Queensland University Australia doesn’t consume alcohol or smoke owns a house and a car,(Caste immaterial) reply with horoscope and family details. proposal209@gmail.com
B/G Colombo mother seeks an educated daughter below 39 yrs. unmarried divorced without children for 44 year old,young looking son,height 5’4’’,divorced no encumbrances employed as Executive Officer. Reply: mproposal675@gmail.com
B/G Karawa retired parents seek an educated daughter for their son 33 years,5’3” American citizen,non-smoker teetotaller holds a Masters Degree and currently working at a company in USA. liyanagesoma785@gmail.com
B/G Parents invite educated well-mannered partner from Australia to be introduced to their BSc(Eng) graduate Australian citizen project engineer well-mannered kind hearted son age 32 height 5’4” for honest association leading to marriage. Apply with horoscope and family details. Email [email protected]
B/G parents with respectable family background seek pretty educated daughter with the same family background for their Engineer son born in 1985 5’9’’ in height and working in USA malefic horoscope with Kuja in 1,2,4,7,8,12 house are most welcome. Telephone number. Email: sriwije1953@gmail.com
B/G respectable Kandyan parents living in Colombo seek an academically qualified,pretty kind-hearted daughter below 24 years of similar caste & religion for a decent association leading to marriage for their son 1995,5’5” handsome,well-mannered,studied in Colombo obtained BSc honours in Sri Lanka & currently pursuing Masters in Australia. He inherits substantial family assets. Pl. reply with full family details & horoscope. Email: otnugegoda91@gmail.com
B/G respectable parents living in Colombo seek a same caste pretty educated kind-hearted daughter for their only son born 1990/2,5’11” tall handsome religious well mannered and NS/TT educated in an International School in Colombo with graduated education from a reputed UK University at present employed as a Software Test Engineer in a UK based Company in Colombo,no malefic please send your family details with a copy of horoscope to E-mail : prop92795@gmail.com
B/G respectable parents living in Colombo suburbs seek a suitable educated pretty partner with similar status for their son. He has completed Masters at a leading university in Australia and currently following another course in Australia. TT/NS born in 1989 July. 5’6’’. Reply only the horoscopes with Kuja in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses and with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Sri Lankans living in Australia are also requested to respond. 1957proposal@gmail.com
B/G/V retired graduate parents seek truly pretty slim kind hearted and decent,educated (doctor/engineer) daughter below 28 willing to migrate to Australia,for their fair handsome kind hearted,BSc,LLM graduated Engineer son 33 years,5’4’’,horoscope required. jalimapi1@hotmail.com
B/K 1978 July 5’6’’ tall Southern Province parents looking for an academically and professionally qualified pretty and fair partner below 35 yrs for their son MBBS Doctor,currently working at government hospital in Western Province,owns a three storey modern house,Vehicle etc. Legally separated. No children. Email: prageethrathnaweera@gmail.com
Canadian citizen Sinhala family living in Toronto is looking for a pretty daughter from Canada or US for their 27 year old 5’9” very handsome son,graduated in Canada in engineering and works in a reputed Aerospace engineering company in Toronto,non smoker. Please reply with details to: prop23rch@gmail.com
Catholic parents residing overseas seek a suitable Catholic bride professionally academically qualified prefer living or studying in USA Canada UK Australia for their son 32 years 5’9” tall professional employed,overseas,respond with a contact number. odnrna@gmail.com
Christian parents from Moratuwa seek pretty,educated,Christian or Catholic Sri Lankan daughter for their younger son of 27 yrs,5’10’’,fair in complexion,non-smoker,non-drinker currently employed as a Visiting Lecturer in a reputed University whilst reading for his PhD in Computer Science. National and International level athlete,studied in a reputed Private school in Colombo. Owns substantial assets and no encumbrances. Father,a former GM in a PVT LTD company in Colombo. Sinhala Christian or Catholic families living in the UK only. Email: proposal62london@gmail.com
Colombo Buddhist Durawa studied at Royal College,Colombo employed in corporation after following Accountancy courses,sober habits,owning assets worth millions,handsome son sought age below 35 years humble and educated partner. Reply with horoscope. 0112500487.
Colombo Buddhist parents father retired Bank Manager seek well-behaved daughter for their elder son. 28 yrs,5’6”. He is CIMA finalist and Finance Master Degree holder UK currently working in New Zealand. Owns a 20 Million worth land in Colombo. Only brother Business Management Degree holder also in New Zealand. Please reply with details preferably lives overseas. suyamadesilva@gmail.com
Financial & Management Accountant at a reputable & well-known organisation based in London,32 yrs,5’8” fair handsome B/G parents living in Colombo,seek educated pretty B/G daughter living overseas or who is willing to migrate. prop1986@outlook.com
GB well connected professional parents from Colombo suburb seek a professionally qualified daughter (preferably overseas qualified) from an equal social strata for their professionally qualified and well positioned son 28 years 5’6” currently residing and working overseas. Email : anieshdevaan64@gmail.com
G/B Colombo suburb 34 yrs,5’6” handsome teetotaller son living in USA (citizen) working in Defence Dept. having house and car,parents seek pretty suitable partner preferably living in USA. kanya lagna. aspremakanthi@yahoo.com
G/B parents seek an academically and professionally qualified non malefic,kind hearted well mannered pretty daughter from a respectable family with Sinhala Buddhist values to build up a decent relationship leading to marriage for their youngest son,Engineer excellent character handsome 32 years 5’8” dual citizen. He is presently working in Melbourne in the banking sector. Preferably (Australian/NZ) PR holders. Please reply with horoscope and family details. rohana_w@hotmail.com
Medical Specialist doctor father and mother of Govi /Vishwa (caste immaterial) Buddhist family seeks a pretty daughter from a respectable professional or business family for their non smoking,teetotaller handsome son 30 yrs. working as a MBBS Doctor He inherits substantial assets. Email - proposalsr@yahoo.comprofnedj@yahoo.com
Moor father and converted mother seek an educated bride for qualified son 30 years,5’6” with a good overseas job and well settled in life. Family follows moderate values while following Islam. Bride should be willing to accompany after marriage. nikahshe1989@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seek religious and educated partner for their 29 year old son 5’8’’ employed in New Zealand. Reply with details. Email: asmaimtiyaz90@gmail.com
Mother searching for professionally qualified beautiful bride for 37 year old son working as a Doctor in Ireland,5 feet 10 inches,handsome with sober habits,never married. Bodu /Govi. from a respected family from Colombo. Please send replies to proposal010118@yahoo.com
Parents seeks suitable marriage partner preferably living in UK,for their son aged 34 and 5’11’’,handsome and caring British citizen who has graduated from a UK University,presently working with international company based in London. Reply by E-mail: wvapropo21@outlook.com
Parents seek academically qualified pleasant kind hearted pretty slim daughter from a respectable family (living in Canada or willing to migrate Canada) for their son 33. He is 5’7” tall,fair,handsome kind-hearted Graduated as a Software Engineer from a reputed Canadian University. Contact 2019grooms@gmail.com
Parents seek qualified,pretty and well mannered daughter for their son born in 1989 who lives in Tokyo Japan. He is an 5’11’’,handsome,studied in a leading school in Colombo,holds a BSc (Hons) Degree in Business Management and currently employed in a leading company in Tokyo. His only sister is a MBBS doctor working in a government hospital in Sri Lanka. If you are interested with the information provided,please reply with all the details to mgproposal28@gmail.com(Rahu,Kethu are in 7 and 8 houses).
Professional parents seek a suitable bride for 29 yr old 1990 Feb. foreign graduated electrical engineers bride,should be willing to migrate to Australia /NZ. He is having dual citizenship NZ /Sri Lanka,his only brother is a Doctor. Those who are having shani Mangala Yoga is encouraged to apply. Please reply with details horoscope to mproposal2019@gmail.com
Respectable B/G parents seek a kindhearted and academically qualified daughter for their eldest entrepreneur son of 27 years and 5’6”. He has an MBA and currently working for a startup in Indianapolis,USA. Citizens of USA and Canada are preferred. Please reply with family details to diyestahl@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi/RC parents for their 29 yrs,6’ tall,handsome,overseas citizen son,seek bride (below 28 yrs,good personality,conduct,not overly qualified,tall) for marriage. Reply with horoscope. Email: flivera@sfu.ca
Sister (living in SL) seeks an attractive and kind-hearted partner for academically and professionally qualified brother lives in Australia. He’s 33 years,5’6” and holds dual citizenship. He’s divorced from an incompatible marriage and has no children. We are Sinhalese Buddhists,but religion /caste immaterial. If interested,kindly respond with family details and horoscope copy to: ausmarriageproposals@gmail.com
Well-established,professional,44y young looking for Colombo widower,having two children leading exemplary life,invites an educated,attractive,understanding,independent lady without encumbrances for marriage. Write yourself,differences immaterial prefer those who are currently living abroad. prop4journey@gmail.com