Attorney-at-Law M.T. Bandara Ekanayaka who received burn injuries due to the bomb blasts at the Shangri-La Hotel on April 21 has filed a petition in the Supreme Court claiming Rs. 500 million from the State.
Meanwhile, 12 Fundamental Rights (FR) Applications filed by several injured people and relatives of the dead following the Easter Sunday bomb attack, will be taken up before a bench of seven judges of the Supreme Court on the 25 and 26 of this month.
When it was taken up on Friday, July 12, before the full bench comprising Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya and Justices Buwaneke Aluwihare, Sisira de Abrew, Priyantha Jayawardana, Prasanna Jayawardana, Justice L.T.B. Dehideniya and Murdu Fernando, the court inquired whether notices have been properly served.
The Attorney General, Dappula de Livera appearing personally informed the court that he had received some objections only the previous afternoon. Therefore, the Court told the counsel appearing for the petitioners to file objections on or before July 18 and counter objections on July 23.
The Attorney-General informed court that he is not appearing for the first respondent, former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando and second respondent Inspector General of Police Pujith Jayasundara.
Anuja Premaratna PC informed the court that he was appearing for the first respondent, and Senior Counsel Viran Corea informed that he was appearing for the second respondent.
All members of the Cabinet were also named as respondents by these petitions.
The petitions alleged that the respondent had received an intelligence memo warning about possible suicide bomb attacks and due to their failure to prevent this terrorist attack, at least 359 people were killed including at least 37 foreign nationals and three police officers, while at least 500 people were injured.
Faiz Musthapa PC, Manohara de Silva PC and Senior Counsel Chrismal Waranasuriya appeared for petitioners.
Attorney-General Dappula de Livera PC, ASG Farzana Jameel, Deputy Solicitor General Nerin Pulle, Senior State Counsel Avanthi Perera appeared for the Attorney General.