President Maithripala Sirisena called on the nation to unite casting away all differences and divides in a bid to develop the country and bring prosperity to the people. “Unfortunately, despite the call to unite many have chosen not to do so” Sirisena said adding that politicians are creating further divides within the society to garner political advantage. “Politicians are now working with the elections in mind,” the President said addressing the crowds at the conclusion of the Mullaitivu District ‘Ekata Sitimu’ (Let’s Unite) National Program, yesterday.
“We must reject all forms of extremism,” the President said adding that since the April 21 attacks the division within the country has increased. “The aim of the attackers was not only to kill people, but to divide and destroy the country,” he said.
The President said, the aftermath has proved that the aim of the terrorists has been achieved. Pointing the finger at politicians, he said religion, race and even language is now contributing to dividing the country.
“Do not allow a Muslim Prabhakaran to be born” the President beseeched. He said certain politicians are trying to win elections by promoting racism. “The country will fail if we are divided, therefore we must unite” he stressed.
Focusing on the Mullaitivu district President Sirisena said he is thankful to the people of Mullaitivu who supported his Presidential bid in 2015. “Eighty per cent of you cast your vote for me” he said. Having visited Mullaitivu more than any of his predecessors, Sirisena said he has identified the problems of the people.
“I know that many land deeds were destroyed during the war and home owners are unable to take loans as a result,” he said promising that a new loan scheme would be introduced to bring relief to those people.
He pledged that programs introduced to uplift the lives of the Mullaitivu people will continue unhindered. He said that the natural resources of the district, including its forest cover must be protected, referring to the steps he has taken in recent times to protect forests and halt illegal logging.
The President handed over land deeds to the people of the District while granting Samurdhi benefits to new beneficiaries in the area. He attended many more programs during his visit.